I'm Kayla, a passionate traveler and adventurer. I spend my free time living life to the fullest, which usually looks like spending time with friends and family, going on trips, creating art, playing guitar, or running. I have my Master of Arts from Northwestern University with training in anxiety, trauma, yoga and mindfulness-based interventions, and more. I have additional training in diversity, suicide and crisis prevention and intervention, 


Meet Farah Anderson

Meet Kayla Anderson

personality disorders, and certification in trauma-informed yoga as a therapy technique.

Each person is impacted by unique challenges and empowered by individual strengths. I find it a privilege to support clients as they discover the best version of themselves and unlock their potential. In a collaborative environment - I use an eclectic, psychodynamic-based approach to explore what strengths, weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and challenges contribute to living a fulfilling life. Through a strong therapeutic relationship, I hope to engage clients in a journey toward healing and thriving.

Questions? Click here to email Kayla.






a few of my favorite things

a few of my favorite things